Astrological Self-Care Gift Guide

By Suzy González

December 5th, 2023

Happy Holidays!

During the season of maximum consumerism, we encourage the support of small BIPOC-owned businesses in favor of corporations.

This year, our focus is on gifting self-care products so that we can bring comfort and joy to our favorite people.

Here’s a Holiday Gift Guide of astrologically-themed products recommended by the Veggie Mijas Creative Team!

Grounded Mystery Plant Subscription:

Three low-maintenance plant shipments, each with provided care info.

Zenit Starter Healing Journal:

A writing space to process one’s needs through self-kindness.

Aesthete La Vie en Rose Tea:

Tulsi/Holy Basil, Rose, Caraway, and Fennel tea blend for stress relief, digestion, skin health, and balancing hormones.

Celestial Passion Planner:

A cosmic way to get organized in 2023.

Cavo “After a Good Cry” Candle:

Soy-based vegan candle to hug you after an emotional release.

Loquita Bruja Bath Bomb:

Relaxing vegan bath bomb for the bruja in your life.

UnitedOther Self-Healing Intention Ritual Kit:

Incense ropes, papers, and mookaite jasper to “heal ALL of you.”

Petra de Luna Montaña Blanket:

Mountain-inspired earthy blanket made of recycled materials.

Tea Drops Glow and Be Well Tea Trio:

Herbal teas for skin health, inflammation, and stress with no need for tea bags. Just drop into hot water!

Ceremonia Sunday Reset Duo:

Scalp exfoliant and hair supplement combo.

Semebodybutter Herb Infused Body Oil:

Body oil to keep skin hydrated and glowing.

Blueland Hand Soap Refill Packs:

Plastic-free scented hand-soap refills. Just add water!

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